End of the line

IG- Jon D.
SM-Ricky R.

the collum of guardsmen retreating from Hive Eschemel is about to be over run by the space marines so Colonel Dimitri Volonov gives the authorisation for the company acting as the rearguard to stop and hold the space marines as long as possible when its captian asks for the permission.

Turn 1- the guards men kill very few space marines due to several very unlucky rolls.
the space marine however kill many guardmen and several squads are forced to fall back with more bad dice rolls

turn 2- out of the north something comes charging down the feild of battle screaming"WAAAGH!!"
due to the fact that space marines won't fight with xenos Ricky couldn't use them as allies so jon got to roll on a 4,5, or 6 they became his ally on a 1,2, or 3 they fought every one. jon rolled a 4 and the orks joined the fight against the space marines.
the orks and guard men fire into the space marines killing their tank and 13 space marines. the space marines return fire only killing 3 guardsmen and 2 orks.

turn 3 the orks charge the space marines after the guardsmen open up another volley into them together the ig and orks killed another 7 space marines. the space marines killed 8 orks and 10 guardsmen.

turn 4- the guards men killed 8 space marines and the orks charged again to kill 9 space marines. the space marines still suprised by the sudden occurance of the orks falter and only kill 3 guardsmen and no orks.

turn 5- the guardsmen and orks killed the remaining space marines.