Stalling Engagment

Guardsmen- Jon D.
Traitor marine- Keith D.

Begining statments-
Jon D.- At first i wasn't sure how well my troops would fare agaisnt the Traitors, as i usually have bad dice roll and to hurt space marines guardsmen have to roll either a 5 or a 6 and even i they do that the marines have a 50/50 shot of surviving. However this time i would be commanding some of the best troops the 144th had to offer as we are just stalling their advance so the regular soldiers could be more ready. Men of the Imperium forward!

Keith D.-with any luck i will be able to take out his heavy wepons before they cause too much damage. Once they are out of the way it will be easy for my troops to smash his weak infantry out of the way and take out more valuable targets like his baskilisk.

Turn 1- Keith's traitor space marines had a very good shooting turn but thanks to Jon's carapace armour and his medicae stratagem most of Jon's troops survived. However one of his squads on the northern edge of the battle suffered heavy casualties and was fored to retreat 8 in.
Jon's forces moved into the ruins containing his medicae stratagem, while his remaining heavy weapons teams had a very successful shooting phase killing one of Keith's terminators and a few space marines.

Turn 2- Jon's troops in the north were still sustaining heavy losses but returned the favour when their shooting phase came about by killing all but one space marine. Jon ended the turn by firing his baskilisk which ended up killing Keith's entire vet. squad and two men from his command squad.
Turn 3- the space marines unhindered by their heavy losses continued to push forwards and still were droping guardsmen left and right. unfortuatly for the space marines their missile launchers had been way over shooting their targeted heavy weapons and only killed three of them. once again Jon ended his turn by firing his baskilisk which killed all five of Keith's snipers.
Turn 4- in the end all that was left of Keith's forces were two space marines which did not live to see turn